JayStone's DJ-Booth

Added by JayStone Flag on 07-03-2009 01:56

Enlarge : JayStone's DJ-Booth

At the moment i have just one denon deck, but im gona get the other one soon! Cool
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What do you think : JayStone's DJ-Booth ??

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There are 20 Comments

Flag Tekhead wrote on 07-03-2009 04:11
what nice your booth, i think you're the first one on this site with a 3700
Flag skyline643 wrote on 07-03-2009 04:54
Love the Denon players Cool
Flag CrazyRockers wrote on 07-03-2009 05:10
wow new Denon !!!!!Cool
Flag DjVictorF wrote on 07-03-2009 09:07
Awesome booth man! And like tekhead said I also think you're the first one with the denon on this site
Flag Convert wrote on 07-03-2009 09:39
Nice Denon player Winking my eye
Flag DanielD wrote on 07-03-2009 09:56
I have to say that the player does look great.

are you satisfied with you denon? Is it working like you thought it would
Flag Tfvs wrote on 07-03-2009 12:28
whow nice Cool how is the denon dn-s 3700?
Flag RuudV wrote on 07-03-2009 12:48
Nice set! cdspeler from denon looks great!Winking my eye
Flag LouisCasper wrote on 07-03-2009 13:19
Really nice booth with that new denon deck!
Flag JayStone wrote on 07-03-2009 14:03
Thanx!!!Smile  The denon deck is amazing!!! it works properly! I like it even better than pioneer cdj 1000mk3! The platter is smooth and the skrach is realy grate (even with mp3 files)!
Flag Mixt-Ape wrote on 07-03-2009 14:55
Cool set! Nice mixer as well!
DeteqBoy wrote on 07-03-2009 16:55
love the denon player! nice Happy, laughing
Flag Roov wrote on 07-03-2009 18:49
omg! I like the denon player! :d
Flag Phenix wrote on 07-03-2009 20:08
Nice booth and the Denon player looks nice :d
Flag djsund wrote on 07-03-2009 22:24
nice booth,
i love denon to but i dont have the money to pay a denon
Flag Bart_ wrote on 08-03-2009 21:00
you're a hero with that denon DN-S3700!Cool
Flag JayStone wrote on 08-03-2009 21:20
Cool thanks!
Flag Stefjuuh wrote on 09-03-2009 16:38
I really want to take the test, 2 DN-s3700, 2 CDJ-1000mk3, long time of mixing, see which decks I use most!
Flag JayStone wrote on 09-03-2009 22:26
U know, denon decks are diferent than cdj's! U need to get use to them! I think denon decks are way more better than cdj's.
The reason why i bought denon not pioneer, is because denon decks have more features, the spining platter is amazing, mint sound quality!
Btw, most of dj's have cdj800 or cdj1000, i waned something else!Cool
Flag Mineral wrote on 12-03-2009 17:07
Really like the new denon player!
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