Added by RaulGR 
10-12-2008 23:09 Vote :
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What do you think : RaulGR's DJ-Booth ??
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RaulGR wrote on 10-12-2008 23:16Hello everybody, this is my booth. I hope you enjoy it.
Today I bought a new ALLEN & HEATH XONE:32 in HTFR. I am waiting to receive my new mixer.
Adrien1989 wrote on 10-12-2008 23:17Great set when you new mixer arives.
Convert wrote on 10-12-2008 23:27Vinyl all the way man! And with the Nightclubs nice

I think i will have the Syrincs on my booth too .... when i got the money :P
Roov wrote on 11-12-2008 11:11Great set, and great new mixer!
krikke47 wrote on 11-12-2008 13:34Nice booth !!
RuudV wrote on 11-12-2008 17:10really nice booth! but why haven't you cd players?
DjVictorF wrote on 11-12-2008 18:18Very nice booth! You don't see that so much, 3 turntables and no cd players

RaulGR wrote on 11-12-2008 21:20Hello, i prefer turntable than cd player. If someday i mix with mp3 or other digital format then i will buy a Serato Scratch or Final Scratch or something like this. I think that it is a shame that vinyl culture disappears.
Thanks everybody for the comments,
Benidorm (Spain)
RaulGR wrote on 11-12-2008 21:25Sorry because my english is not very good. When i say that it is a shame that vinyl culture disappears i want to say that i dont want that vinyl disappears, it is sad. I like and i respect the other formats like cd players...
sollitch wrote on 11-12-2008 22:23the real soundwaves whit those turntables. nice...
DeteqBoy wrote on 11-12-2008 22:36love your setup

jonycastle wrote on 13-12-2008 bueno brother, pero nesecitas luces, o mujeres jajajaj

. Good work. i want to see more chicks XD.
Ynnck wrote on 14-06-2010 00:02love it !!
vinyl for the win ..
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