Kofoed's DJ-Booth

Added by Kofoed Flag on 02-12-2008 16:35

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What do you think : Kofoed's DJ-Booth ??

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There are 7 Comments

DeteqBoy wrote on 02-12-2008 18:07
nice tables & cdj! love vinyl Happy, laughing

great set!
Flag bambamstudio wrote on 02-12-2008 18:16
nice vinyl set
Flag LouisCasper wrote on 02-12-2008 20:28
Very nice booth you got there!
Any updates planned?
Flag Convert wrote on 02-12-2008 22:44
Vinyl all the wayCool Nice booth man Winking my eye
Flag Kofoed wrote on 03-12-2008 02:41
Hi guys! Future updates will be: Yet another cdj-1000mk3 (before mk4 comes out in february), a pair of HD25, a KP-3 and a Xone:92. And somewhere between all that, a new amp, a pair of new booth speakers and probably a smokemachine. Then teh laz0rz :D
Flag DjVictorF wrote on 03-12-2008 13:49
Very nice booth! Another mk3 wil make it complete Winking my eye
Flag RuudV wrote on 03-12-2008 16:39
nice booth! really oldscool!! :D
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