My set, inside, with one TT

Added by d0gge Flag on 31-05-2006 23:01

Enlarge : My set, inside, with one TT

its my gigbag, i play often without TT, i like cd\'s more, but its more fun to spin true vinyl.
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What do you think : My set, inside, with one TT ??

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There are 14 Comments

Flag d0gge wrote on 31-05-2006 23:04
Yeah, its it. Sry for the bad quality. Im gonna put out some more, with my 6 mgpixel camera. see yah !
Flag jussied wrote on 31-05-2006 23:14
nice booth
Flag robbert wrote on 31-05-2006 23:26
Great booth!
Flag the-melody wrote on 01-06-2006 07:07
nice, how is that tt?
Flag _ruud_ wrote on 01-06-2006 16:25
nice gear Happy, laughing
Flag DJ-TQ wrote on 01-06-2006 18:21
Nice boot dude!!
Flag dj-t wrote on 01-06-2006 20:29
nice gear:D
Flag dancedimension wrote on 01-06-2006 22:12
looks nice dude Thumbs Up, but the TT, isn't that a bit old? When you see your set you will expect a technics sl or something Winking my eye
Flag DJ_Inspiration wrote on 03-06-2006 17:22
Very nice flightcase (and ofcourse some very nice gear in it Winking my eye)

How is that Nuo 3 mixer?

Winston wrote on 07-06-2006 01:16
Awesome set
Flag Day-One wrote on 04-07-2006 10:16
nice set Thumbs Up
Flag d0gge wrote on 02-11-2006 14:12
thanks guys, appriciated all good things bye
Flag d0gge wrote on 02-11-2006 14:12
thanks guys, appriciated all good things bye
Flag Thomz wrote on 03-11-2006 14:49
Nice booth, but a new TT isn't a bad idea I think :p
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