benny81 DJ -Booth Dec'16

Added by benny81 Flag on 31-12-2016 15:38

Enlarge : benny81 DJ -Booth Dec'16






1xToraiz SP-16


2xPreSonus ERIS E66

2xPreSonus Temblor T10

1xPreSonus MonitorStation V2

Twin Set Ortofon Concorde Scratch

Twin Set Ortofon Concorde Nightclub MKII

Twin Set Ortofon Concorde S-120

Rane Serato Scratch Live SL4

Pioneer Recordbox DJ + DVS

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What do you think : benny81 DJ -Booth Dec'16 ??

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There is 1 Comments

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Flag Lead wrote on 15-06-2018 17:57

That's a very nice booth !!

I'm updating in the Gearbase currently aswell so hopefully soon all most recent equipment should also be added to the gearbase so you should be able to complete it soon.

Also you have the option to add gear to the gearbase yourself aswell. A lot of people did that in the past. You dont need to make it complete, just add brand and type so it will end up in the cue for completing.

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