retro_soulman's DJ -Booth Nov'12

Added by retro_soulman Flag on 02-11-2012 21:56

Enlarge : retro_soulman's DJ -Booth Nov'12

my custom console

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What do you think : retro_soulman's DJ -Booth Nov'12 ??

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There are 21 Comments

Flag retro_soulman wrote on 02-11-2012 21:56
Flag HouseContainer wrote on 03-11-2012 09:10
This is something to be real proud of. I mean, the equipment on it's own is already legend. The use of a Tape Recorder in the DJ Booth like that is probably unique, never seen that before. A phone horn for pre-listening, great idea. Custom made speakers I guess? And a custom made peace of DJ Booth furniture that has retro written all over it. Thumbs up man!
Flag DJSHAK3S wrote on 03-11-2012 18:19
Flag Estacy wrote on 03-11-2012 19:50
Those speakers are JBL scoops with some lensens and a bullet I believe. Not really custom, but very expensive and boy do they sound great
Flag aurelienvdv wrote on 03-11-2012 23:02
not much of a fun of the phone horn, but the rest is top notch!
Flag main wrote on 04-11-2012 14:29
just wow, how incredibly awesome
Flag djmstr223 wrote on 04-11-2012 15:31
Looks very nice!! Is that Revox not a little to high to cut the tape?
Flag ErnieGee wrote on 04-11-2012 17:38
Cry?Hi, I wonder... Who do you use the tapedeck?
Flag retro_soulman wrote on 04-11-2012 17:38
nop the revox is in the right place !? i got one more revox (b77) that maybe get a place on the console
Flag FloRise wrote on 05-11-2012 01:33
a nice, beautifull and sexy dj-booth. this is real soul for music...

Bjonson wrote on 08-11-2012 06:04
wow very nice!

Flag Tekhead wrote on 12-11-2012 02:20
Jesus Christ, wat a beautyful booth you have, the recorder is that a Revox ?
Flag retro_soulman wrote on 16-11-2012 08:26
yes its a revox pr 99 mk3 ... the professional version of b77
Diion wrote on 16-11-2012 19:03

Flag gsharp wrote on 16-11-2012 22:45
Awesome.? This takes me back to the days of a Richard Long designed system and booth... Is the horn you?have sitting on top of the bass scoop?an Altec??If your turntables are suspended, I'll lose my mind... lol
Flag retro_soulman wrote on 19-11-2012 11:30
the horn driver and the tweeter driver are JBL . the lenses are from DAS vintage . yeap the turntables are suspended Happy, laughing i love RLA systems and this booth is a copy of them ! ... also for this booth i got many advises from Gary Stewart (GSA) r.i.p...
Flag Oldskool47 wrote on 04-12-2012 20:30
Nice Iphone! Cry
Flag PBF99 wrote on 07-12-2012 09:17
Love It Embarassed?Perfect 10
Flag Dolivieira wrote on 08-12-2012 12:01
I like this very much. Nice retro booth. And I love the taperecorder. Also the Rotory Mixer i like a lot. And That Telephone Headphone Awesome.????????????????????????????? CryAnd those SL1200MK2............ Very Nice.Cry
Flag Cordis wrote on 28-01-2013 13:34
Very nice! Love this!?Cool
Flag pietrofarrdel wrote on 08-04-2014 08:10

thumbs up!!! like it

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