My first dj Booth

Added by yevgen1982 Flag on 12-04-2012 21:06

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What do you think : My first dj Booth ??

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There are 2 Comments

Flag X-traLars wrote on 12-04-2012 21:43
Nice Dj gear you got there, are those grey 'bricks' under your Pioneer CDJ-800, for anti-skip?
Flag yevgen1982 wrote on 12-04-2012 22:38
this is actually my old booth. i dont have it anymore. this was back in 2004 or 2005, i dont remember exactly the year. no those pieces are to make cd'j to stand up a little bit higher. i have new booth now?i just allowed to put one picture every 14 days by the rule of this forum. i will post more pictures of my setups later?the way i had them.
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