Alien Console

Added by andysama Flag on 19-12-2011 16:01

Enlarge : Alien Console

Video my?Console Link:
Video my?TECHNICS RP DH1200 ALIEN link:?
Video my Macbook Pro Alien:?
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What do you think : Alien Console ??

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There are 18 Comments

Flag Estacy wrote on 19-12-2011 16:29
Technics, nice! looking green :P
Flag PhonoGraaf wrote on 19-12-2011 19:16
Nice one!
Flag feestbeest wrote on 19-12-2011 20:44
Nice! I really like your mixer. And what kind of USB cable is that? If i see it right i see a light in the conector?
Flag andysama wrote on 19-12-2011 21:02
is a usb cable Led
Flag djmstr223 wrote on 19-12-2011 22:08
Heel mooi!/ Verry nice!
Flag andysama wrote on 19-12-2011 22:29
thanks dj mstr223
Flag andysama wrote on 19-12-2011 23:01

My Macbook Pro Alien
Flag Aziaat wrote on 19-12-2011 23:41
Heel mooi, zou ook de A&H Xone 42 willen kopen, een aanrader wss?
Flag andysama wrote on 20-12-2011 00:10

BennoRevelli wrote on 20-12-2011 10:41
voted 10 because of the xone Winking my eye
Flag Estacy wrote on 20-12-2011 17:25
alien lollypop, now thats some sweet stuff right there!
Flag Blackaround wrote on 20-12-2011 18:18
Fuuuck! die laptop!? Geil !
Flag DJ_SEVEN_7_ wrote on 20-12-2011 00:46

Very Nice indeed, so its Joachim Garraud and you that handle the INVASION! Smile

Two thumbs up!


Flag andysama wrote on 20-12-2011 01:02
I already possess the mask of Space Invaders France
Flag andysama wrote on 20-12-2011 01:13
Flag Unidentified wrote on 20-12-2011 20:02
Sick booth! Nice Xone?Cool
Flag Dolivieira wrote on 23-12-2011 08:36
Space Booth dit man.
Flag Ywe wrote on 24-12-2011 18:01
Nicely done, this is customizing to the next level!!!
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