Martin dbs Booth 2011

Added by DJ_SEVEN_7_ Flag on 16-11-2011 03:25

Enlarge : Martin dbs Booth 2011

This is my current booth as of 2011

Im using Sennheiser HD25, Vmoda Crossfade LP Custom edition, Pioneer HDJ 2000 headphones, and Denon MC6000 controller, traktor 2 pro and Ableton 8 as a complement.

2x FOSTEX PM-2 MkIIs for the clear crisp sound

But the content of it all!

2X Pioneer CDJ 2000s
1X Pioneer DJM 800 / Rotary
1X Pioneer DJM 909

2X Denon 3700s
1X Denon MC 6000 Controller
1X Denon DNX 050 mixer
1X Denon DN 9000 dual cd player

1X American Audio SDJ1 Mp3 player
1X Korg Kaosspad 3
1X Roland MC 808 / Groovebox


Pioneer HDJ 2000

Vmoda Crossfade LP Custom
Sennheiser HD 25
Technichs RPDH 1200
2X Technics 1210 DJ


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What do you think : Martin dbs Booth 2011 ??

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There are 5 Comments

Flag Drumworks wrote on 16-11-2011 07:37
WOW, very nice combination! not just a pioneer booth, but denon aswell!! niceCool
Flag Roov wrote on 16-11-2011 16:44
Very nice! Love your rotary's on your DJM!
Rilano wrote on 16-11-2011 16:50
wow echt een droom boothCool
En natuurlijk alles op het welbekende ikea kastje Cool
Flag DJ_SEVEN_7_ wrote on 16-11-2011 17:28
well i was up for the Nexus, but as im more of a rotaryguy, DJM 800 is the only Pioneer product besides DJM 1000 that can offer that. As of late ive been using Denon MC 6000 + T2 Pro as well, great setup for small booths and places with roudy audiences Cool

Thnx guys, be sure to grab my new mixtapes!

Flag Estacy wrote on 27-11-2011 23:55
DN-S3700s, V-modas, cool! and a Rotary DJM, don't see that all the time. looks good
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