Added by jayrott Flag on 29-04-2011 06:40


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What do you think : JAY-ROTT'S BOOTH ??

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There are 8 Comments

Flag TH3llC wrote on 29-04-2011 11:09
nice booth
@main: he isnt dutchSmile
Flag main wrote on 29-04-2011 10:52
hoe zijn die stantons? lijpe xone!
Flag AdenFarleigh wrote on 29-04-2011 11:28
Very, very nice booth - arent u reconsidering replacing ur monitors? Or arent they in the way when mixing? Cant see properly!
But yeah; nice booth! =)
Flag Dolivieira wrote on 30-04-2011 11:14
Nice booth. I like the 2 X1s I`m gonna do that myself.
Flag LilQuint wrote on 30-04-2011 09:39
Realy nice!
Flag pieterb wrote on 01-05-2011 20:40
die stantons zijn wel leip! :P
BennoRevelli wrote on 02-05-2011 10:09
Xone 42 Happy, laughing I loved that mixer Winking my eye
Flag jayrott wrote on 02-05-2011 23:08
the speakers normally sit right under the desk...they dont get in the way at all...the 2 X1's together make things so easy with traktor...barely have totouch my laptop
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