Added by UmitSAG Flag on 17-03-2011 17:51

Enlarge : MY HOME - STUDIO

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What do you think : MY HOME - STUDIO ??

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There are 10 Comments

Flag UmitSAG wrote on 17-03-2011 18:02
Flag main wrote on 17-03-2011 18:18
how did u connect all of your gear?
looks awesome!
Flag Estacy wrote on 17-03-2011 19:07
looking good!
Flag paultjeuh wrote on 17-03-2011 19:54
wat een gear?Cool ziet er goed uit !! nog updates ?
Flag UmitSAG wrote on 18-03-2011 21:18
I am sound engineer and have to know how connected.
Flag UmitSAG wrote on 18-03-2011 21:24
Flag UmitSAG wrote on 21-03-2011 20:19
My Page.?
Flag Novian24 wrote on 02-04-2011 02:48
i like it ur gear.....i want like this....Smile
Flag baodj wrote on 20-04-2011 00:42
holy shit.... how much you spent on your gears.... I fucking love it! woah.....
Flag Ynnck wrote on 30-06-2011 23:29
fuck, i can look and keep looking at this booth. love it
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