My Secret Place Nov 2010

Added by RAFTS Flag on 04-12-2010 17:28

Enlarge : My Secret Place Nov 2010

Only English, please Happy, laughing
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What do you think : My Secret Place Nov 2010 ??

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There are 15 Comments

Flag DaCompra wrote on 04-12-2010 18:18
very nice setup ! how have you mapped the 1D's and DNHC1000 in serato? can you demonstrate it in a mix or video or something? Cool
Flag Xurion wrote on 04-12-2010 18:22
Woooooowww pro booth, go Xone go Xone!
Flag Tekhead wrote on 04-12-2010 18:29
holy shit what a booth Cool
Flag main wrote on 04-12-2010 18:49
Flag dJORD wrote on 04-12-2010 19:35
very nice!!
Flag T-to-the-J wrote on 04-12-2010 19:44
This is sickening, Xone pioneer and denon!! Happy, laughing (and ofcourse the sennheiser)
Flag Joep wrote on 04-12-2010 21:01
Very nice booth!
Flag LilQuint wrote on 05-12-2010 10:51
Flag specialm wrote on 05-12-2010 12:12
Amazing DJ booth Dude Keep on rocking
Flag Mixt-Ape wrote on 05-12-2010 14:08
Wicked gear mate, must work like a charm Happy, laughing
Flag djdalex wrote on 07-12-2010 10:56
A black/grey Xone 42 would be awesome in this setup.
Very very nice!
BennoRevelli wrote on 07-12-2010 23:21
Great booth mate! Love Xone Happy, laughing
Flag Dolivieira wrote on 08-12-2010 20:10
Very nice. Only?I will put a black Xone42 between those Xone 1Ds and CDJ1000MK3s
Flag Bambilaner wrote on 18-12-2010 14:08
That's a hell of a nice playground you got there!
Flag RAFTS wrote on 18-12-2010 13:34
HC1000S is mapped for Hot Cue's, loops, roll and libary scrolling. 1D's are mapped to FX and for other less important functions.
When i was buying Xone 42, it was only available in silver, but I like that combination Happy, laughing
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