My Home setup :)

Added by FLYMAN Flag on 01-12-2010 20:47

Enlarge : My Home setup :)

I need now a special forniture for my gear, and then i will get 2 technics turntables... i dont know wich model by the moment.
The Xone is simply awesome and the two Denon?s are versatile, though and very fun to play Happy, laughing
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What do you think : My Home setup :) ??

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There are 19 Comments

DJADMIN wrote on 01-12-2010 20:57
Flag Mixt-Ape wrote on 01-12-2010 20:59
Sexy stuff!!!
Flag dJORD wrote on 01-12-2010 21:00
Flag main wrote on 01-12-2010 21:03
looks awesome!
Flag Arondjuser wrote on 01-12-2010 21:24
Damn!!! That?s my dreambooth!!! Amazing!!!
Flag feestbeest wrote on 01-12-2010 21:50
What a damn hell horny booth!
Flag tek-zotic wrote on 01-12-2010 22:01
if u put 2 technics with it like u are going to u got my wet dream Happy, laughing
Flag Tekhead wrote on 01-12-2010 22:02
super super nice this booth, and with the 2 Technics, you gonna have the ultimate dj dreambooth, i will choose the SL1210 (the black ones) my vote 4u is Maximum
Flag Seca wrote on 01-12-2010 22:26
Nice, Im Jealous Cool

Denon and Allen & Heath Cool
I should also buy 2 1210's Happy, laughing
Flag FLYMAN wrote on 01-12-2010 23:05
Thanks to all!!! Cool
Flag Dolivieira wrote on 01-12-2010 23:33
Nice those Denon en Between them a Xone 92
Flag MoXeGy wrote on 02-12-2010 00:09
nette booth! ruilen? :P hoe bevallen je de denons?
Flag djroy16 wrote on 02-12-2010 08:12
Really nice! how are the Denons? I heard there is a new software update that makes it possible to use the players in combination with Traktor.
kollius wrote on 02-12-2010 08:51
Where did you get those vinyls for the Denon's? Or did you made them yourself? Looks nice Cool
Flag FLYMAN wrote on 02-12-2010 15:50
droy16: yes, you can use them in combination with traktor Winking my eye
kollius: the vinyls are from Glowtronics, check out the web there are a lot of cool stuff Happy, laughing
Flag chimo wrote on 02-12-2010 20:06
buen equipo si se?or.
BennoRevelli wrote on 02-12-2010 22:01
Great booth! especially love that mixer!
Flag GiBBy wrote on 14-12-2010 19:15
zalig Boothje Happy, laughing
Ik hou van die denons, de vinyls draaien mee, heb er ook al met gedraaid..
Flag Oliviero wrote on 16-01-2011 18:20
meesterlijke booth !!!
veel beter dan al die booths van die pioneer fan boys. Cool

i want the xone 92 so bad..
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